Don’t hesitate

to take care of those who need it the most

We believe that each of us can make a small contribution to spreading kindness and solicitude about others. The holiday season is the perfect time to start changing the world for the better.

That’s why every year we organize a charity event for those most in need, and we are happy to invite you to participate as well. Our goal this year is to contribute to a cause that has a significant impact on the world. Join us in supporting UNICEF’s humanitarian efforts.

Please select a gift you would like to donate to those in need. Complete the form at the bottom of this page and then we will take care of the rest and donate on your behalf.

First Aid Kit

A first aid kit can be the only chance to save someone’s life and health. It contains essential medicines and medical supplies packed in a handy bag. It is an essential item in schools, medical centres, and for doctors. The kit includes medicines and first aid equipment, such as bandages, gauze, safety pins, soap, a blanket, a towel, forceps, a scalpel, iodine, eye drops, gloves, and plasters, among other things. Everything is packed into a properly labelled bag that is easy to carry.

Malnutrition Kit

Millions of children around the world suffer from acute malnutrition. You can help in the fight against hunger by gifting our unique kit. The kit includes four cans of powdered formula to prepare life-saving therapeutic milk for the youngest children, ten sachets of ready-to-use therapeutic paste (also known as RUTF – ready-to-use therapeutic food); each sachet weighs 92g and is recommended for the second phase of malnutrition therapy. Additionally, the kit has 50 tapes to measure the arm and check malnutrition in children.

Mom and Newborn Kit

Help save the lives of mothers and children who are the most severely affected groups in conflict zones and areas affected by climate change. By providing essential products and medicines, you can help ensure that mothers, their children and doctors have access to health and life. The kit includes three cans of therapeutic milk, 1000 iron tablets for moms, one blanket, one baby breathing monitor, an infant/neonatal stethoscope, and a set of medicines for the mother and baby.

Let’s be together

in this special time

It’s easy to participate! Simply choose the gift you want to donate to UNICEF from the options provided, fill out the form, and we will take care of the rest.

Your chosen gift will be funded by us as a donation, and donate it to UNICEF on your behalf.

After that, we will send you a unique certificate to confirm your involvement.

We are waiting for your vote until January 8.

Thank you for your participation in our charity event!

Photos of the gifts and their descriptions are from the website:

Choose your organization